Gobaltima Internet retail sale LTD will make the return within 5 business days following receipt in the warehouse.

Order cancellation

You can request the cancellation of your order by contacting us through the available channels (phone, email, live chat). We will do our best to cancel, but if your order is already being processed or has been shipped, it will no longer be possible to cancel it.

Although we will do our best to accommodate the cancellation, we cannot guarantee to process it in a timely manner, so we appreciate your understanding if this is not possible.

If cancellation is not possible, refuse delivery of the order. We will issue the refund when the order is returned, without additional charges.

ATTENTION: The cancellation request and the respective return without additional costs are only valid for shipments within Canada. If shipping outside of Canada, please note the return costs shown under "Returns (Outside Canada)".

Credit card

If the payment was made by credit card, the refund will be made to the account associated with the credit card used in the original payment and will appear on your next bank statement.


If the payment was made through PayPal, the refund will be made to the corresponding Paypal account and will be available immediately.

Wire transfer

For the rest of the payment methods, the refund will be made by bank transfer, so we will ask you for the details of the account in which you wish to receive the refund.

store credit

If you prefer, you can also choose to add the refund to your store credit, regardless of the payment method used. This credit will remain in your account without any expiration for your use.

Reimbursement costs in Canada

Refund by bank transfer is free of charge for customers in Canada with accounts in Canadian dollars

Return cost outside Canada

Refund currency

The refund currency will be Canadian dollars (same as the original payment). Therefore, if your local currency is different, there may be variations in the exchange rate, positive or negative, also varying the amount received. All these variations will be the responsibility of the client.

Other reimbursement costs

In the case of a refund outside of Canada or in a currency other than the Canadian dollar, all transaction costs, including bank transfer fees, will be the responsibility of the customer.